Hyperinsulinism, Insulin Resistance and Impaired Fasting Glucose Revealing an Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome
  • Andrea Da Porto
    Department of Internal Medicine, Udine University Hospital, Udine, Italy
  • Alessandro Cavarape
    Department of Internal Medicine, Udine University Hospital, Udine, Italy


We report a case of a 55-year-old woman who was evaluated for multiple episodes of late postprandial hypoglycaemia. We diagnosed her condition as insulin autoimmune syndrome (Hirata disease) because of a high insulin autoantibody (IAA) titre in association with high levels of plasmatic insulin and hypoglycaemia in a patient with no history of exogenous insulin administration and the exclusion of other causes of late postprandial hypoglycaemia.



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    Published: 2014-07-04
    Issue: Vol. 1 (2014) (view)

    How to cite:
    Da Porto A, Cavarape A. Hyperinsulinism, Insulin Resistance and Impaired Fasting Glucose Revealing an Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome. EJCRIM 2014;1 doi:10.12890/2014_000083.

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