Left Ventricle Non-Compaction Myocardium and Thrombophilia in a Pregnant Woman
  • Elena A. Kochmareva
    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997
  • Valentin A. Kokorin
    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997
  • Evgenia A. Kondrashova
    City Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after O.M. Filatov, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Nadejda V. Khokhlova
    City Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after O.M. Filatov, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Argishti G. Vardanyan
    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997
  • Ilya A. Kokorin
    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997
  • Dmitry A. Doroshenko
    City Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after O.M. Filatov, Moscow, Russian Federation


non-compaction myocardium, pregnancy, heart failure, thrombophilia


Non-compaction of the ventricular myocardium (NCM) is a genetic cardiomyopathy usually due to mutationof the G4.5 gene located in the Xq28 chromosomal region. This congenital disorder is characterized by pronounced trabeculations and intertrabecular recesses resulting from abnormal embryogenesis between the fifth and eighth fetal weeks. The reported prevalence in the general population is between 0.014% and 1.3%. The classic triad of complications includes heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias and systemic embolic events, although some patients have an asymptomatic form. NCM is commonly diagnosed by echocardiography, but contrast ventriculography, CT and MRI can also be used. Here we present a case of left ventricle NCM, manifested after respiratory infection, in a pregnant patient with congenital thrombophilia and a history of myocardial infarction.



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    Image 1. MRI of the heart. Four-chambers view downloads: 0
    Image 2. Short axis view of LV at the level of the MV.NCM in the interventricular septum downloads: 0
    Image 3. Parasternal position. End-diastolic dimension of LV downloads: 0
    Table 1. Dynamic of ECHO parameters downloads: 0
    Image 4. Short axis view of LV at the level of the MV.Global deformation of the circular fibers of the myocardium downloads: 0

    Published: 2016-07-27
    Issue: Vol. 3 No. 5 (view)

    How to cite:
    Kochmareva EA, Kokorin VA, Kondrashova EA, Khokhlova NV, Vardanyan AG, Kokorin IA, Doroshenko DA. Left Ventricle Non-Compaction Myocardium and Thrombophilia in a Pregnant Woman. EJCRIM 2016;3 doi:10.12890/2016_000432.