Scurvy: A case report of rare orthopaedic complications associated with multi-nutritional deficiencies
  • Melissa Carroll
    Royal Melbourne HospitalThe Royal Darwin Hospital, Tiwi, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Joseph Yoon
    The Royal Darwin Hospital, Tiwi, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Patrick Elliott
    The Royal Darwin Hospital, Tiwi, Northern Territory, Australia


Suboptimal nutrition can lead to deficiencies in micronutrients such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which can present with catastrophic neurological sequalae. Deficiencies of vitamin C, vitamin B3 (niacin) and zinc levels contribute to reduced bone density. Vitamin C associated vertebral fractures although rare in adults, are still treatable if diagnosed early with a thorough clinical and nutritional history and early supplementation.  Radiological clues suggestive of scurvy induced vertebral fractures can be diagnosed on plain X-ray and MRI spine imaging.



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    Published: 2022-11-17
    Issue: 2022: Vol 9 No 11 (view)

    How to cite:
    Carroll M, Yoon J, Elliott P. Scurvy: A case report of rare orthopaedic complications associated with multi-nutritional deficiencies . EJCRIM 2022;9 doi:10.12890/2022_003359.