Acute Transient Stress Induced Adrenal Hypertrophy and Adrenal Medullary Hyperactivity
  • Vikram G Arella
    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust, King's Mill Hospital, Sutton-in-Ashfield, UK
  • Emily T Mudenha
    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust, King's Mill Hospital, Sutton-in-Ashfield, UK
  • Andrew Okpe
    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust, King's Mill Hospital, Sutton-in-Ashfield, UK
  • Devaka J Fernando
    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust, King's Mill Hospital, Sutton-in-Ashfield, UK


Adrenal gland hypertrophy, transient adrenal insufficiency, reversible adrenal dysfunction, transient adrenal medullary hyperactivity, Stress related hypertension


Objectives: Adrenal gland hypertrophy can be related to acute stress with abnormal adrenal function tests. It may not always need treatment.
Material and methods: An acute presentation of adrenal gland hypertrophy following an abdominal emergency, with subsequent hypoadrenalism was investigated.
Results: Adrenal medullary and cortical function fully recovered without treatment.
Conclusions: We postulate that the adrenal glands became enlarged and hypertrophied during an acute stress event, possibly caused by acute adrenal medullary hypersecretion and subsequent cortical hyposecretion. A wait and watch policy should be followed if no other clinical symptoms and signs of adrenal disease are present. CT scan remains an important diagnostic tool.



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    Published: 2015-11-17
    Issue: Vol. 3 No. 1 (view)

    How to cite:
    Arella VG, Mudenha ET, Okpe A, Fernando DJ. Acute Transient Stress Induced Adrenal Hypertrophy and Adrenal Medullary Hyperactivity. EJCRIM 2015;3 doi:10.12890/2015_000257.