Seizure and Profound Hypokalemia: Unusual Presentation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism
  • Yasuto Nakasone
    Diabetes Center, Aizawa Hospital, Matsumoto
  • Shinya Uchino
    Noguchi Thyroid Clinic and Hospital Foundation, Beppu
  • Yuka Sato
    Diabetes Center, Aizawa Hospital, Matsumoto
  • Keishi Yamauchi
    Diabetes Center, Aizawa Hospital, Matsumoto
  • Toru Aizawa
    Diabetes Center, Aizawa Hospital, Matsumoto


Seizure, hypokalaemia, hyperparathyroidism, itraconazole



A 68-year-old man was admitted because of tonic–clonic convulsion. He had been receiving 200 mg itraconazole for 10 days. He had hypokalaemia (2.2 mEq/l), hypercalcaemia (Cacorr 11.0 mg/dl) and elevated serum parathyroid hormone (PTH, 95 pg/ml). Ultrasound examination of the neck revealed a low echoic tumour. Cessation of itraconazole and fluid supplementation eradicated clinical symptoms and profound hypokalaemia, but serum potassium remained low normal (3.4 mEq/l) and the mild hypercalcaemia and elevated PTH were unchanged. To conclude, a small amount of itraconazole (200 mg) precipitated profound hypokalaemia and seizure in a patient with mild hyperparathyroidism and low normal serum potassium.



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    Published: 2015-06-30
    Issue: Vol. 2 No. 3 (2015) (view)

    How to cite:
    Nakasone Y, Uchino S, Sato Y, Yamauchi K, Aizawa T. Seizure and Profound Hypokalemia: Unusual Presentation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. EJCRIM 2015;2 doi:10.12890/2015_000196.

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