Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis: A Presentation of COVID-19
  • Dilan Balata
    Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Linköping, Linköping, Sweden
  • Johan Mellergård
    Department of Neurology, University Hospital Linköping, Linköping, Sweden
  • David Ekqvist
    Department of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Linköping, Linköping, Sweden
  • Jacek Baranowski
    Department of Clinical Physiology, University Hospital Linköping, Linköping, Sweden
  • Isidro Albert Garcia
    Department of Radiology, University Hospital Linköping, Linköping, Sweden
  • Marina Volosyraki
    Department of Acute Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, University Hospital Linköping, Linköping, Sweden
  • Mats Broqvist
    Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Linköping, Linköping, Sweden


Endocarditis, mitral valve, ultrasound, COVID-19


The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a newly emergent pathogen first identified in Wuhan, China, and responsible for the COVID-19 global pandemic. In this case report we describe a manifestation of non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis with continuous peripheral embolization in a COVID-19-positive patient. The patient responded well to high-dose LMWH treatment with cessation of the embolic process.



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    Published: 2020-07-21
    Issue: 2020: Vol 7 No 8 (view)

    How to cite:
    Balata D, Mellergård J, Ekqvist D, Baranowski J, Garcia IA, Volosyraki M, Broqvist M. Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis: A Presentation of COVID-19. EJCRIM 2020;7 doi:10.12890/2020_001811.