Late Pulmonary Embolism after COVID-19 Pneumonia despite Adequate Rivaroxaban Treatment
  • Giuseppe Di Tano
    Division of Cardiology, Ospedale di Cremona, Italy
  • Luigi Moschini
    Division of Cardiology, Ospedale di Cremona, Italy
  • Marco Loffi
    Division of Cardiology, Ospedale di Cremona, Italy
  • Gianluca Galeazzi
    Division of Cardiology, Ospedale di Cremona, Italy
  • Sophie Testa
    Haemostasis and Thrombosis Center, Ospedale di Cremona, Italy
  • Gian Battista Danzi
    Division of Cardiology, Ospedale di Cremona, Italy


Viral diseases, pneumonia, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, rivaroxaban


Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 infection may predispose patients to thrombotic disease. Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who are receiving non-vitamin K antagonists or direct oral anticoagulants for chronic disease are usually switched to heparin treatment during hospitalization. However, information about the most appropriate antithrombotic therapy after the acute infection phase is lacking.
Case Description: We report the case of a patient with chronic atrial fibrillation who was recently hospitalized for severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Four weeks after discharge he experienced an episode of an acute pulmonary embolism while on rivaroxaban therapy with adequate drug plasma levels, and in the absence of strong predisposing risk factors.
Conclusion: This case highlights the risk of thrombotic complications after COVID-19 infection, raises some concern about their underlying mechanisms, and supports the use of effective anti-thrombotic therapy.



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    Published: 2020-06-18
    Issue: 2020: Vol 7 No 7 (view)

    How to cite:
    Di Tano G, Moschini L, Loffi M, Galeazzi G, Testa S, Danzi GB. Late Pulmonary Embolism after COVID-19 Pneumonia despite Adequate Rivaroxaban Treatment. EJCRIM 2020;7 doi:10.12890/2020_001790.

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