Massive Right Heart Thrombus Causing Complete Cardiac Obstruction Relieved by Thrombolysis: A Case Report
  • Christopher Wong
    Department of Cardiology, Concord Hospital, University of Sydney, Australia
  • John Yiannikas
    Department of Cardiology, Concord Hospital, University of Sydney, Australia


Case report, right heart thrombus, thrombolysis, heart failure


Background: Right heart thrombus (RHT) is a medical condition associated with acute pulmonary embolism and congestive cardiac failure. Rapid recognition is essential for instituting early treatment and preventing adverse outcomes.
Case summary: A 55-year-old male presented with symptoms of congestive cardiac failure complicated by cardiac arrest. Initial transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) demonstrated moderate impairment of both ventricles and a moderately dilated right ventricle (RV). After initial improvement with heart failure treatment, the patient subsequently had a second cardiac arrest. Bedside TTE revealed complete RV obstruction by thrombus, and intravenous thrombolysis was immediately instituted, with complete dissolution of the thrombus and haemodynamic recovery 15 minutes after treatment. Unfortunately, the patient suffered significant hypoxic brain injury and did not survive.
Discussion: RHT can manifest acutely in a dramatic fashion with cardiac arrest. Bedside TTE is key to making a rapid diagnosis in this setting to allow early administration of thrombolytic therapy.



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    Published: 2020-05-13
    Issue: 2020: Vol 7 No 8 (view)

    How to cite:
    Wong C, Yiannikas J. Massive Right Heart Thrombus Causing Complete Cardiac Obstruction Relieved by Thrombolysis: A Case Report. EJCRIM 2020;7 doi:10.12890/2020_001644.