Interprofessional Management of Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (Dunbar Syndrome) Related to Lumbar Lordosis and Hip Dysplasia: A Patient’s Perspective


Median arcuate ligament syndrome, lumbar lordosis, hip dysplasia, symptom management strategies, interprofessional


We present a 53-year-old female patient with median arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS), also known as Dunbar syndrome or celiac artery compression syndrome, related to lumbar lordosis and hip dysplasia. She utilized interprofessional management strategies, which were beneficial in reducing lumbar lordosis and MALS-related symptoms. This finding is important because there are no other reports in the literature describing interprofessional strategies to manage symptoms for patients who are waiting for surgery or are not candidates for surgery.



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    Published: 2020-04-16
    Issue: 2020: Vol 7 No 7 (view)

    How to cite:
    Janssen SL, Scholbach T, Jeno S, Laurie H, Meyer M, Combs C. Interprofessional Management of Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (Dunbar Syndrome) Related to Lumbar Lordosis and Hip Dysplasia: A Patient’s Perspective. EJCRIM 2020;7 doi:10.12890/2020_001605.