Transient Blue Skin: Pseudochromhidrosis
  • Johanna Eva Constance Burggraaff
    Department of Internal Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Gabor E Linthorst
    Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Jacobien Jeltje Hoogerwerf
    Department of Internal Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Objectives: Pseudochromhidrosis is a rare condition where colours due to chromogenic microbial products or extrinsic chemicals are excreted with sweat. Chromhidrosis is the production of coloured sweat from apocrine or eccrine sweat glands. The aim of this case report is to illustrate all the steps involved in the diagnosis of pseudochromhidrosis.
Materials and methods: A 17-year-old patient with pseudochromhidrosis is presented.
Results: Clinical features of the patient were consistent with pseudochromhidrosis.
Conclusions: The distinction between chromhidrosis and pseudochromhidrosis can be made based on a detailed history, skin biopsy and empiric treatment.



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    Published: 2014-07-04
    Issue: Vol. 1 (2014) (view)

    How to cite:
    Burggraaff JEC, Linthorst GE, Hoogerwerf JJ. Transient Blue Skin: Pseudochromhidrosis. EJCRIM 2014;1 doi:10.12890/2014_000084.