Severe and Symptomatic Calcium Disorders Caused by Secondary Bone Disease in a Patient with a Thyroid Storm
  • Lycke Renate Woittiez
    Department of Internal Medicine, Zaans Medical Centre, Zaandam
  • Bart Jacobus Cornelis Hendriks
    Pharmacy Department, Zaans Medical Centre, Zaandam
  • Elsbeth Johanna Wesselink
    Pharmacy Department, Zaans Medical Centre, Zaandam
  • Marcel te Paske
    General Practice, Hoofddorp
  • Boris Lambertus Johannes Kanen
    Department of Internal Medicine, Zaans Medical Centre, Zaandam


A patient with Graves’ disease was admitted with a thyroid storm. She had severe hypercalcaemia caused by thyrotoxicosis. Treatment was complicated by vomiting and diarrhoea. With intravenous ondansetron, hydration and bisphosphonates, GI symptoms improved and oral thyreostatics could be started. This, combined with bisphosphonate administration, resulted in a mild hungry bone syndrome.



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    Published: 2014-10-14
    Issue: Vol. 1 (2014) (view)

    How to cite:
    Woittiez LR, Hendriks BJC, Wesselink EJ, te Paske M, Kanen BLJ. Severe and Symptomatic Calcium Disorders Caused by Secondary Bone Disease in a Patient with a Thyroid Storm. EJCRIM 2014;1 doi:10.12890/2014_000117.