Computed Tomography Perfusion Can Guide Endovascular Therapy in Bilateral Carotid Artery Dissection
  • Isuru Induruwa
    Addenbrookes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Chloe Bentham
    Addenbrookes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Kayvan Khadjooi
    Addenbrookes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Nikhil Sharma
    The National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK.


Stroke, carotid, carotid artery dissection, CT perfusion, stenting, endovascular


Carotid artery dissection (CAD) is a major cause of stroke in those under age 45, accounting for around 20% of ischaemic events[1,2]. In the absence of known connective tissue disorders, most dissections are traumatic[2]. First-line management is comprised of antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy, but many traumatic dissections progress despite this and carry the risk of long-term complications from embolism or stenosis[3].
We report a case of traumatic bilateral carotid dissection leading to progressive neurological symptoms and hypoperfusion on computed tomography perfusion (CTP), despite escalation in anticoagulation, which led to emergency carotid stenting.



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    Published: 2015-12-14
    Issue: Vol. 3 No. 1 (view)

    How to cite:
    Induruwa I, Bentham C, Khadjooi K, Sharma N. Computed Tomography Perfusion Can Guide Endovascular Therapy in Bilateral Carotid Artery Dissection. EJCRIM 2015;3 doi:10.12890/2015_000295.